Lease of Mill 1844

This lease written in 1844 is for the village mill which was situated on the North bank of the river Ouse, North West of Thornton Church

Dated 8th July, 1844.

Sheppard Bart, to Messieurs King.

Sir T.C. Sheppard, Bart,


Messrs Matthew King Junr. & Senr.

of Thornton Water Corn Mill, from
25th March, 1844, for one year
certain, and (without notice) thence
from year to year, at an annual rent
of £50, payable quarterly.



King & Son

This Indenture (of Lease from year to year) made the eighth --- day of July [Julius] in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty four and in the seventh year of the Reign of Queen Victoria.

Between Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard of Thornton Hall in the parish of Thornton in the County of Buckingham and of Crakemarsh Hall in the parish of Uttoxeter in the County of Stafford Baronet of the one part and Matthew King the younger of Nash in the parish of Whaddon in the said County of Bucks Baker and Matthew King the elder of Nash aforesaid yeoman (father of the said Matthew King the younger) of the other part

Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the yearly rent hereinafter reserved and of the several Agreements and Covenants hereinafter contained and to be observed performed and fulfilled and kept by and on the parts and behalves of the said Matthew King the younger and Matthew King the elder their executors and administrators He the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard hath demised granted and letten and by these presents doth demise grant and let unto the said Matthew King the younger and Matthew King the elder their executors and administrators

All that Water Corn Mill Machine or Engine for grinding of Corn and other Grain called Thornton Mill situate at Thornton aforesaid upon the stream of running water there called the River Ouze and the going and running gears within belonging to or used with the said Mill.

Together with all and singular the Ground or Stream upon or over which the said Mill standeth, locks, stanks water gates head-wears mill-dams mill- pools pipes and all and all manner of tolls custom benefit of grinding of Corn and Grain of all kinds ways paths passages common use of passing to and from the said Mill rights privileges advantages easements profits commodities appendages and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Mill and premises belonging or in anywise appertaining (Except and always reserved unto the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs and assigns all fisheries fishing places and the exclusive and sole right of fishery and fishing.)

To have and to hold the said Mill toll custom and all and singular other the premises hereby demised with their and every of their appurtenances (except as before excepted) unto the said Matthew King the younger and Matthew King the elder their executors and administrators from the twenty fifth day of March last (commonly called Lady Day) for and during the full end and term of One whole year from thence next ensuing and thenceforth and so on from year to year so long as both parties can and shall agree and until one of the said parties his or their heirs executors administrators or assigns shall think proper to determine the same by his or their giving Notice in writing under his or their hand or hands for such determination thereof one half year at least before such determination unto the other of the said parties his heirs executors administrators or assigns and not longer or otherwise.

Yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year during the continuance of this demise unto the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs or assigns the yearly rent or sum of Fifty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain at the four most usual days of payment in the year (that is to say) the twenty fourth day of June the twenty ninth day of September the twenty fifth day of December and the twenty fifth day of March by even and equal portions the first quarterly payment whereof became due and was or should have been made on the twenty fourth day of June now last past.

Provided always and these presents are upon this Condition that if it shall happen that the said yearly rent or sum of Fifty pounds hereinbefore reserved or any part thereof shall become due and be in arrear and unpaid for the space of Twenty one days next after or over either of the said days of payment whereon the same ought to be paid as aforesaid (although the same shall not have been formally or lawfully demanded) or if the said Matthew King the younger and Matthew King the elder or either of them their or either of their executors or administrators do and shall at any time or times hereafter demise let set assign or set over or otherwise part from or give up the said demised Mill and Premises or any part thereof to any person or persons whomsoever without the consent and licence of the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs or assigns first had and obtained in writing under his and their hand and seal or hands and seals that their and thenceforth in either of the said cases it may and shall be lawful to and for the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs and assigns without any notice whatever to reenter into and upon and take possession of all and singular the said demised Mill and premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole and the same to have again to retain repossess and enjoy as in his and their first and former estate and estates and the said Matthew King the younger and Matthew King the elder their executors administrators and assigns and all other the occupiers of the said Mill and premises thenceforth utterly to eject expel put out and remove this Indenture or anything herein contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

This the said Matthew King the younger and Matthew King the elder do hereby jointly for themselves their heirs executors and administrators and each of them separately severally and apart from the other of them doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and administrators agree covenant and promise with and to the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs and assigns by these presents in manner following (that is to say)

That they the said Matthew King the younger and Matthew King the elder or one of them their or one of their executors or administrators shall and will from time to time and at all times during the continuance of this demise well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs or assigns the said yearly rent or sum of Fifty pounds quarterly as it shall become due on the days and times and in manner and form as are hereinbefore appointed for payment thereof according to the aforesaid reservation and the true intent and meaning of these presents.

And also at their own expense well and sufficiently repair maintain support uphold and keep the said Mill and premises in the same good tenantable and useable repair plight and condition as the same has been or is intended shortly to be repaired by the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard until, and so leave and quit the same at, the expiration of the Tenancy under this demise on being allowed for such repairs by the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs or assigns good sufficient and substantial materials.

And also that they the said Matthew King the younger and Matthew King the elder or one of them their or one of their executors and administrators shall and will from time to time and at all times during the said tenancy grind and dress at the said Mill in a proper manner for the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs and assigns and his and their establishment family and household at Thornton aforesaid gratis and without claiming making or taking any charge or any manner of toll or custom for the same all such Wheat Rye Barley Oats and other Grain as shall be brought and delivered to the said Mill by the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs or assigns or his or their servants and that without any refusal wilful delay or impediment, so that the grists or quantity of such Wheat Rye Barley Oats and other Grain do and shall not upon an average exceed eight bushels in any one week.

And further that they the said Matthew King the younger and Matthew King the elder or one of them their or one of their executors administrators or assigns shall and will at least three times in every year during this demise and when requested so to do by the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs or assigns draw off or let down the water in the said River Ouze the better to enable the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs or assigns to fish and catch and take the fish in the said River Ouze.

And lastly that they the said Matthew King the younger and Matthew King the elder or either of them their or either of their executors and administrators shall not nor will at any time during this demise assign let set subdemise or in any other manner part from or with the occupation possession or tenancy of all or any part of the said demised mill and premises for all or any part of their estate interest and tenancy therein to any person or persons whomsoever without the consent of the said Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard his heirs or assigns first had and obtained in writing for that purpose.

In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set and put their hands and seals the day and year first above and written. //:-

Signed sealed and delivered by the above named Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard in the presence of, Thos: Cotton Sheppard

Matthew King Junr
John B[ri]ton
Farming Bailiff to Sir TC Sheppard
Matthew King Senr

Signed sealed and delivered by the above
named Matthew King the younger and Matthew
King the elder in the presence of, - - - - - -

John King, Attorney, Buckingham.
