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Marshworth:Milton Keynes



Flexibility - in the longer term the flexibility of the H-shape, and the modular scale of the 'boxes' within this, mean that - even without having to add an extra storey - up to 3,000 sq ft of space can be created within the existing footprint. One of the bungalows at the southern hand has, for example, pushed development to this limit without obviously breaching respect for the scheme overall; though this has been helped by its quarter acre plot in effect allowing the front court to be recreated behind dense planting along the road.


   The flexibility means that, within this 3,000 sq ft, a wide variety of layouts are possible; the most obvious being the availability of up to 7 bedrooms. In fact, all but three of the spaces have been changed - in an almost complete rebuild within the outer envelope - to create a four room granny flat at the rear whilst still leaving a four bedroom/two bathroom bungalow at the front, all on the one level. Even with all this redevelopment the rear elevation is much the same as the other bungalows.


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Last modified: 01/26/06