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Marshworth:Milton Keynes

1st Floor


Extra Storey – as the potential for development at ground level - with up to 3,000 sq ft available - is exceptional, only a minority (a fifth) of owners have taken the opportunity of the pitched roofs to add more rooms on the first floor. Typically these have been added as an extra bedroom for a pre-university teenager, but one of two have put the master bedroom there - with the extra space used for an en-suite - and one had imaginatively put a galleried library there (though that is about to be turned into a further bedroom by a developer!). As almost all of these first floor developments have used velux windows, together with the occasional dormer window, the height of these is usually little higher than those around them. Even then, because they are forced to sit well back from the road, in the centre of the bungalow, the largest such extension is not too obtrusive and fits in with the general roofline.


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Last modified: 01/26/06