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Marshworth:Milton Keynes



   Discretion with Excitement – now that the planting has matured, the outside of the bungalows is remarkably discrete. They successfully hide away from prying eyes, typically with just the carport and garage on the frontage showing that they exist.


   Beyond that, their front doors are still hidden in courtyards reached through the carport.


   Even from the rear, due to their large gardens and staggered layout, they are just as unassuming. As such they share the good taste of previous centuries rather than the superficial displays of decoration which afflict many post-modern homes!


   Once inside, though, they are usually as exciting as any modern stage set. The initial surprise is set by the self-deprecating outside, which immediately leads into the relatively vast living room. The initial comment of visitors is typically “ good grief! I never realized how large these bungalows were.” Beyond the living room there are different vistas, often out into the gardens, at every turn. The complexity of the layout is such that visitors often have to be helped to find their way out to the front door!







   They are not for the drab conformist but – in line with the intention of the architects who originally designed them for their own occupation – they let the creative urges of others have free rein!



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Last modified: 01/26/06