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7. St Giles Church
Stony Stratford - St Giles Church exterior
The parish church of St Giles stands between the Market Place and the High Street. Houses in the High Street to the north of it have been demolished to make way for a new road scheme designed to ease much of the pressure on the top end of the High Street and the junction with Wolverton Road. This has improved the view from the north, though much of the building is still obscured when approaching from the south end of the High Street.
Stony Stratford - St Giles Church interior - 1900s The interior of St Giles has undergone a dramatic change over the last century, in detail and colour scheme as well as basic structure and layout. The organ (far left in upper photo) has been re-sited and the rood screen has been removed.

The traditional wooden pews seen in the upper photo have been replaced by chairs.

The apse is also much altered, with a different altarpiece and the substitution of the plain glass window for the three stained glass windows at the east end.

Stony Stratford - St Giles Church interior - 2003

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