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15. The Old Post Office
Old Post Office
The building on the centre right of this old postcard was the Stony Stratford Post Office, built in the very early years of the last century and seen here resplendent in its handsome brick and stone frontage, complete with a decorative stone coping and carved features at the roof level. Just visible in the second archway is the assistant who has just washed down the pavement outside and now leans on his yardbrush in a pose for the photographer.
The old post office building
The same view in 2003. Major changes have taken place to the frontages of the buildings features in the old postcard, and though the balcony of the middle structure survives, much of the stonework of the old Post Office has disappeared.

Interestingly, Odells the Ironmonger/Hardware Store still displays its wares on the pavement.

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