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10. Fegan's Home
Fegan's Home 2003

The building still occasionally referred to as Fegan's Home has in fact had a number of uses in its lifetime, having been - variously - a school, a cigar factory, a boys' home, a Franciscan school, a branch of an international finance company, and now an Indian Restaurant : The Moghul Palace.

Fegan's Home circa 1900

The same view taken around 1900 gives an idea of the building in its early days.
Rear view of Fegan's Home

The rear view of the old Home gives some idea of the extent of the site and how substantial the original building of St Paul's School was.

It was built in 1863 for the (then) vast sum of £40,000. Thirty slum dwellings, some lanes and even the old Horseshoe Inn were cleared to make way for the new school.

For fuller details about Fegan's Home and the history of the site, click here

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