Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Additions Jan-March 2016
  images added during this period
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Jean Thompsons wedding

Village fete? behind village hall

Nativity in Memorial Hall

Nativity in Memorial Hall

Granny and Grampy Wooding

Women British Legion

Maypole dancing at the Old Rectory 19356-6

Family Group

Mayday Old Rectory garden 1934-5

Ebenezer Smith

Louise Wooding and Will Robinson

Church Sunday School 1960

Ladies group possible Church Function 1940s

Maypole dancing on the recreation ground

Queens Jubilee Maypole dancing recreation ground

The witch and the Lace Makers

School group in School yard probably 1960s

nos 2 and 4 High St

View from Church Tower

Local Lads

Cedar Cottage

Cedar Cottage

Mr Ingram

Cliff Lack and Eric Osborne

Maisie Underwood with granddaughter Jodie

The Forge in High St Reg Childs was the Blacksmith

Local group Possible for a Chapel outing

The village Shoo and Post Office High Street

Coronation Hand Bells

Ridge and Furrow Grass Field

Rose and Crown Northampton Road

Red Lion High Street

Cliff and Jess Lack at Don Eldertons 70th Birthday

Rogation Service Roundhay Farm

British Legion Remembrance day at the Chapel

Aerial view of old Coop premises Bedford Road

Mr and Mrs Winter

village group possibly late 1930s

view along High St possible 1990s

Jess Lack's Aunt Bell. Uncle Morris and Aunt Sue

Postcard from the Village

Mary and Arthur (Pup) Berrill

Harry ? and Dot Whites Wedding

Yardley Chapel and Manse c1900

Francis Ward (carrier) and Sally his Horse

Francis Ward Carrier) with his horse Sally

Yardley United FC

Frederick Winter age 83

Local Freddy and the Dreamers

Pram race finishing in the Square

Laying foundation stone of bus shelter

Parish Councillors in front of the Bus Shelter

1930 Mayday Committee

Coronation George V

Yardley Hastings Church School

Yardley Hastings School Group 1926

Yardley Hastings School Group 1920s

Yardley Hastings School Group 1940s?

Yardley Hastings School Group 1960s?

Yardley Hastings School Group 1950s?

School children in fancy dress

Yardley Hastings School Group 1950s?

Yardley Hastings School Group 1960s?

Yardley Hastings School Group 1960s?

Yardley Hastings School Group 1930s?

Yardley Hastings School Group 1930s?

Yardley School Team Shield 1936

Retirement of Local Teachers

Local ladies in fancy dress

Young group in Fancy dress

Four Local? Men in Uniform

Watching Mayday Celebrations at the Memorial Hall

Yardley Hastings School Group 1930s?

Freddy Coles the Baker at work

Mayday celebration in the Square

Home Guard in Northampton Road

Des Henman, Patrick McLoughlin, Neville Lack

Hubert Partridge

Sarah Smith standing Outside 20 Chase Park Road

Nellie and Agnes Petit

Miss Ada Roberts with family

Ken Minney and Hilda Ingram's Wedding

Isobel and Harry Etlderton

inside the Old Forge High St

Hilda Ingram holding Cynthia Lack

Mr and Mrs Minney Nellie Crowther standing

Jess and Cynthia Lack, Hilda and Colin Minney

Arnold Underwood and David Williams

Pamela Carters Christening

Believed to be Mr and Mrs Wooding