Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: additions Jan - March 2014
  new material added during this period
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South view St Andrews Church

Castle Ashby Road showing Old Pond

Castle Ashby Road looking towards The Maltings

High St at Church Lane Junction

The Square looking down Little Street

The Square from Little Street

The Square from Little Street with Old School Hall

Congregational Chapel Castle Ashby Road

Congregational Chapel Castle Ashby Road

Jubillee Square

Jubilee Square

Sheep dipping in the village

Pearce family group

Pearce family group

Chase Park Farm Guests

Louis Pearce

Pearce family group

Chase Park Farm House

Louis and Phoebe Pearce

Louis Pearce

22 Northampton Road

Children at play in Jubilee Square

Farm Group in the 1930s

Retirement Party for Butcher Albert Woodford

Tree felling in the Chase

Keepers by old railway carriage

Yardley Hastings Boy Scout Troup

Carte de Visite of Emma Underwood

URC Coach outing 1950s

John and Sarah Underwood

John Frederick Winter

"The Smilers" Royal Horse Artillery Troup WW1

Dinner - boys night out

Unveiling the War Memorial

The First Committee of Yardley Coop

Yardley Hastings Cricket team 1970s

Welfare Christmas Party

Yardley Hastings Coop shop Bedford Road East

Sheep Dipping Avenue Farm

Richard and Jenny Smith plus Children and Partners

Northampton Cobblers v Arsenal at Highbury

Yardley Hastings Fire Brigade with their New Pump

Mr Copeland o/s URC

The shoe factory Bedford Rd

Jubillee celebrations

Mrs Copeland o/s URC

Home Guard at the end of the WW2

Lawrence Bakery High St

School children photo behind Old School Hall

Chase Park Farm House

Walter Underwood Memorial Nord War Cemetary

Timothy Ashley Memorial Pernes Cemetery

Pernes Cemetery Pernes-en-Ambois Pas de Calais

David Underwood and his wife Ellen

Wedding of Norman and Nancy Carter

Granny Underwood with Gillian and Harry Underwood

John Wiliam Underwood and Wife Elizabeth Kate

Elizabeth Kate Underwood (granny)

Children of John and Elizabeth Underwood

"We are the Yardley Boys"

Castle Ashby Cricket Club

Labourer sitting at the bottom of Gog.

labourer and horses at the base of Gog

Crowning of the May Queen

St Andrews Church

School photograph

Yardley Hastings School Pantomine,

Church, Front view showing clock.

Notice of Juvenile Temperance Meeting.

View of Church from Parish Magazine 1892

Events in Parish Magazine.

Front Cover of Parish Magazine 1892

Castle Ashby Road

Castle Ashby Road

Group at Barry Jones wedding

Men at work benches in Manfield shoe factory

Presentation of Wheel chair

May Queen

Yardley Hastings School Pantomine,

St Andrews Church

Castle Ashby Cricket Team 1954

Castle Ashby Road

Barry Jones Wedding

Workers at Manfield Shoe Factory

Workers at Manfield Shoe Factory

Group of Ladies with banners.

The Square with the Old School Hall

View of St Andrews Church.

Bark Hovels

Yardley Floods.

Yardley Couple on a beach.

A Village Pump.

Village Children

A Day Out at Cadbury World. Des Henman.

Sylvia Whitney At Cadburys.

Eric Osborne at Cadbury world

Visit to Cadbury World

Visit to Cadbury World

Cadbury World Visit

Cadbury World Visit.

Cadbury World Visit.

Boys playing.

Village Quiz Team Red Lion B

Village quiz Grand Final.

Inter Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Quiz Team

Team Quiz

Presentation to Marjorie Burch

Team Little Street.

Quiz Team

Quiz Team

Church Mice Quiz team Village Quiz

Quiz Teams.

The Square showing Old Pump set in wall of URC

Mrs and Mrs P Vaughans House.

Thatched cottage in Little Lane.

Group of School Children

David Williams

School children outside the school

Group of local people.

Ladies in front of British Legion Flag.

Don Elderton

Group at the Salon Northampton.

Group of Yardley Hastings people.

Wedding group

Elderton Family Group

Charles Elderton

Mr and Mrs Charles Elderton.

British Legion Club Yardley Hastings

Group of Yardley Hastings Senior Citizens.

Childrens Christmas Party.

Harry Elderton

Cyril Drage

Robert Lawrence

Robert Lawrence

Malcolm and Ian.

Fred Elderton

Kath Elderton

Nigel Lack and Daphne Kinlan

Betty Field

Yvonne Harris and Karen Holden

Jim Harris/Margaret Higginson/ Tom O`Neill

Margaret Higginson

Brian Pringle at Presentation

Nigel, Margaret, Daphne, Betty.

Guests at Presentation

Castle Ashby Cricket Club 1972

Yardley Hastings C of E School

Ellen Fowler nee Carter outside 27 Chase Park Rd

school group outside small(old) school

Cowpers Oak

Cowpers Oak

Gog and Magog


Jubilee Celebrations

Castle Ashby Road

Yardley Hastingsin the Snow

Yardley Hastings in the Snow

Castle Ashby Road

Castle Ashby Road

Castle Ashby Road.

The Old Rectory

Village View in the Snow

The Maltings,High St.

King George V Jubilee Celebrations

King George V Jubilee Celebrations

King George V Jubilee Celebrations

King George V Jubilee Celebrations

view across to Little lLane in 1947 snow

1947 snow in the Village.

View from the Sq up to the Rose and Crown.

On the Trailer

1947 snow in the Village.

Snow fall on Wilmer Hill

1947 snow in the village

Yardley in the Snow

Part of Castle Ashby Road

Girls Country Dancing.

Looking down the High St.

Harratts Shop and Post Office.

Cottage on the Bedford Road.

Jack Ward Playing Golf

The Square.

. Jubilee Square.

The Square.


Fairy Queen

Pony and Trap,

Whitney and Rattley Family Group

George, Ruth and Herbert Partridge outside house.

School children outside the school

Children outside Church Gate.

Boy with Bike.

Post Card View of Jubilee Square.

Couple outside cottage.

Ken Harratt in Fancy Dress

Jack, Fred and Mrs Ward

The Hunt on Jubilee Square..

The Hunt Meet on Jubilee Square.

The Stirrup Cup.

Castle Ashby Rd cottages in the snow

Jubilee Parade Float

The High St.

A group of people.

Post card of Yardley Hastings

Picturesque Northamptonshire,Series.

The Square

United Reform Chapel

St Andrews Church

Mary and Arthur Berril

Looking up the High St

Phil Minney & Gladys Fairy

High St

High St

Post card view of Yardley Hastings.

Jubilee Sq.

High St Yardley Hastings

Walkers Pond.

Castle Ashby Road

Windmill Farm.

Castle Ashby Rd

Don Eldertons Shop

Highfield Way

A group of young men. year ?

The Square

View of the Square from Little St.

Jubilee Sq.

The Square.

Looking down the High St.

Chase Park Road

Little St.

Pound Bridge Cottages and Jubilee Square

Chase Park Road

United Reform Chapel

Chase Park Rd,. 1920

Chase Park Road

May Day

Group of village children

St Andrews Church Gates

The Square

The Old School Hall

Yardley Hastings. School year ?

A Group of Young Men

Yardley Hastings United Reform Church.

The Square.

Pony and Trap.

Parade Float.

Old photo from St Andrews Tower

Ariel View of Yardley Hastings.

Jim Page and dog

St Andrews Church

Family group outside cottage ?

Cedar Cottage.

Staff of YH Coop C1900 in front of shop


The Old Fire Station

Rev Skilton and Mr Frank Gallager

The War Memorial, At the Memorial Hall

Queen and Attendance

Queen and Attendants

Queen and Attendants

Unveiling of War Memorial

Queen being Crowned and Attendants

Little St. Yardley Hastings.

Castle Ashby Road

Hazelwood Homes building site.

New service road at rear of Little Lane

Cowpers Oak

3,5,7 Little Street before conversion to two

Detached house Gees farm nearing completion

Gees farm Cottages just completed

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c 1920

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c1919

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c1934-5

Yardley Hastings C of E School Teachers

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo C1926-7

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo 1934-5

YH school children next to URC wall

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo 1930-1

Yardley Hastings C of E School group photo c 1900

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c 1920s

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo 1953