Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: 1996 Photos of the Village
  a series of photos taken around the village in 1996 showing the general appearance of the village and its surrounds at that time
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View Northwards along Little Lane

Grendon Turn along Castle Ashby Road

Castle Ashby Road frrom the former Rectory Gates

View acroos Rectory field to the out buildings

Grendon Road eastwards

Bungalows Castle Ashby Rd across the Brook Bridge

Bungalows Castle Ashby Rd during extensions

Gees farm demolition of Old Farm Buildings

Chase Park Road

Chase Park Road

Chase Park Road

Castle Ashby Road towards the Cattle Grids

Sarah Wilford and Laura on Castle Ashby Road

View of Rectory Lane 1996

Cottages at Rectory Lane 1996

9 Little Lane Drive 1996

Wilsons Wood 1996

A view of The Old Rectory across Leys Field 1996

Leys Field 1996

New Drive way 9 Little lane 1996

The rear of 9 Little Lane May 1996

Drive and footpath leading past Glebe Farm garages

The footpath Glebe Farm Little Llane

The Old Clay Pit (The Pond) Chase Park Rd