Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Farms and Farming
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Gees Farm Barns before redevelopment

Gees Farm House Modernised

Gees Farm Barns before redevelopment

Ernie Frail with horses

Ernie Frail with covered food cart

Gees Farm Barns

Gees Farm Barns

Gees Farm Yard

Gees Farm before development

Gees Farm before development

Gees Farm House and Barn

Gees Farm Barns late 70s

Waterfall Farm Barns

Emmie Fraiel bottle feeding a Fawn

Manor Farm Barns before conversion

Farm Group May 8th !945

St Andrews Church and Manor Farm Barns

c.1940-50 Avenue Farm sheep dipping

Group Photo Avenue Farm Yardley

Tony Underwood with Bob the dog

Gees farm demolition of Old Farm Buildings

steam ploughing on a village farm

A group of beaters

Herbert and Leonard Underwood shearing sheep

Harold Laurence working at Roundhay Farm

Roundhay Farm where Harold Laurance worked

Estate Game Keepers? relaxing

Roundhay Farm Barns

Roundhay Farm House

Fred Underwood and another with horse

Fred Wooding & another with horse and cart

Bunty and Harry Laurence with tractor and drill

Harry Laurance with sheep

Sheep dipping in the village

Sheep Dipping Avenue Farm

Labourer sitting at the bottom of Gog.

labourer and horses at the base of Gog

Windmill Farm Barn

Church Farm Barn before conversion

Aerial View

Aerial view of Lttle Street and High Street

keeper cleaning feeding trough

Keepers loading straw

Keepers having a break

Keeper feeding pheasant poults

Marquis and keeper

Marquis on shoot early 1920s

Keepers with mobile hut

Keepers with mobile hut

Keepers on Lord Northamptons estate 1930

Keepers by hospitality tent

Estate Keepers ready for the shoot 1940s

Taking the shot

Keepers at their hut

collecting the days kill

retrieving the kill


Baron Von Goldeschmodt Rothchild's Shoot

Farmers shoot Eastern Wood

Aerial View

Keepers & Beaters in the Avenue Lunch break 1930s