Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Harold Laurance
  Photos and reports conected with Harold Laurance the Olympic Weightlifter from Yardley hastings who entered the 1936 Olympics in Berlin
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side front view of Longacre no 43 High St

Front of Newly restored Longacre High St

rear of House since restroration

rear of house before restoration

Garages of Long acre before restoration

Paddock of Longacre

Longacre before recent restoration in 2012

Harold Laurance Holding Frozen Produce

1936 Olympics Programme Cover

inside page of the souvenir programme

inside page of the souvenir programme

Harold Laurence working at Roundhay Farm

Harold Laurance working out on the farm

Harold Laurance working out on the farm

Advertisement News Chronicle 12 April1936

Harold Laurance workinmg to keep fit

from a Chronicle and Echo feature July 22nd 1996

article from Chronicle and Echo July 22nd 1996

Roundhay Farm where Harold Laurance worked

Harold Laurance father ?

Harold Laurance mother?

Harold Laurance

Harold Laurance working out on the farm

a family group

Harold Laurance

Laurance Family

Bunty Laurance with young Robin

Young Robin Laurance in Indian feathers

Bunty Laurance with baby Robin

Mrs Harry Laurance with sons?

Harold and Bunty Laurance

Harry and Bunty Laurance operating a binder

Harold Laurance past and present

Bunty and Harry Laurence with tractor and drill

Laurance family group

Harry Laurance with sheep

Harold Laurance with dogs