Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Events
  Specific to the Village
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An event on a float celibrating what ?

Float in Jubilee Square

Funeral Of WG Denton Town Crier

Coffee Morning Jubille Square

Rosemary and Albert as Joseph and Mary

May Queen and her attendants?

Unveiling the War Memorial

A Day Out at Cadbury World. Des Henman.

Sylvia Whitney At Cadburys.

Eric Osborne at Cadbury world

Visit to Cadbury World

Visit to Cadbury World

Visit to Cadbury World

Cadbury World Visit

Cadbury World Visit.

Cadbury World Visit.

Village quiz Grand Final.

Inter Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Quiz Team

Team Quiz

Team Little Street.

Quiz Team

Quiz Team

Church Mice Quiz team Village Quiz

Quiz Teams.

Nigel Lack and Daphne Kinlan

Betty Field

Yvonne Harris and Karen Holden

Jim Harris/Margaret Higginson/ Tom O`Neill

Margaret Higginson

Brian Pringle at Presentation

Nigel, Margaret, Daphne, Betty.

Guests at Presentation

Presentation to Ken and Margaret Higginson

The Hunt on Jubilee Square..

The Hunt Meet on Jubilee Square.

The Stirrup Cup.

The War Memorial, At the Memorial Hall

Queen and Attendants

Queen and Attendants

Unveiling of War Memorial

Queen being Crowned and Attendants

Pram race

Village fete? behind village hall

Nativity in Memorial Hall

Nativity in Memorial Hall

Maypole dancing at the Old Rectory 19356-6

Mayday Old Rectory garden 1934-5

Maypole dancing on the recreation ground

Queens Jubilee Maypole dancing recreation ground

Pram race finishing in the Square

Laying foundation stone of bus shelter

Local ladies in fancy dress

Young group in Fancy dress

Watching Mayday Celebrations at the Memorial Hall