Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Celebrations
  Celebrations of National events
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QE 2 Silver Jubilee celebrations

Pageant float for King George V Jubilee

Coronation /Jubilee?group outside the URC

Silver Jubilee George V village celebration

Mayday celebrations 1960s

Mayday celebrations 1960s

Mayday celebrations 1960s

Merry Comrades Mayday celebrations

Merry Comrades Mayday celebrations

Merry Comrades Mayday celebrations

Merry Comrades Mayday celebrations

Welfare Xmas Party

Welfare Xmas Party

Welfare Xmas Party in the Memorial Hall

Welfare Xmas Party in the Memorial Hall

Jubillee celebrations

Crowning of the May Queen

Childrens Christmas Party.

King George V Jubilee Celebrations

King George V Jubilee Celebrations

King George V Jubilee Celebrations

King George V Jubilee Celebrations


Jubilee Celebrations

Jubilee Parade Float

Rosie Smith with a coronation "float"

1935 Silver Jubilee Womens Organisations

Coronation Belles WI Coronation Float

WI Coronation Float

QE ll Coronation float

1935 Jubilee Celebration Parade

Queens Jubilee Maypole dancing recreation ground

Maypole dancing on the recreation ground

Coronation Hand Bells

Rogation Service Roundhay Farm

Coronation George V

Mayday celebration in the Square