Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: additions Jan - Mar 2013
  all images uploaded during this time
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Gees Farm before development

Gees Farm before development

April Cottage Chase Park Road

The URC Chapel and No 5 castle Ashby Road

30 and 32 High Street

concrete post fence along High st being removed

concrete post fence along High st being removed

New fence corner High St and Little St

New fence corner High St and Little St

Gees Farm Barns

Nos 19-21 Chase park Road

Gees Farm Yard

Gees Farm Barns

York House with Robin and Brenda Fossey

York House when Purchased By Robin & Brenda Fossey

Chase park Rd New Culvert under construction

Chase Park Rd new Culvert under construction

Chase Park Rd New Culvert under construction

Chase Park Rd New Culvert under construction

Gees Farm House and Barn

Construction of new Culvert Chase Park Road

Gees Farm Barns late 70s

Chase Park Road floods

Waterfall Farm Barns

Gees Farm Barns

Gees Farm Yard

Gees Farm Barns before redevelopment

Gees Farm House Modernised

Gees Farm Barns before redevelopment

Trees around Chase Park Road pond

Pinchcut Hill Chase Park Road

The Brook Chase Park Rd behind South Vale

The Foundry Chase Park Road

April Cottage 37 Chase Park Road

Bev Drage outside Gees farm House

Floods Chase Park Road 1981

Chase park Road Floods 1981

Floods Chase Park Road 1981

Floods Chase Park Road 1981

Pound Cottage after the Fire

Concern show about renovation

Norah Whiting & Mrs Albert Underwood

Norah Whiting & Mrs Edith Underwood

The Old Bakery Castle Ashby Road

The Old Bakery in Chase Park Road

Looking down Castle Ashby Road

The Square

1981 flood Old Pond

27 Chase Park Road

The Toll House Bedford Road

Manor House & Court Parlour

Castle Ashby Road Cottages now demolished

Manor Farm Barns before conversion

23 High Street after modernisation

Group of school children

The Court Parlour from south

Court Parlour from the North

23 High Street in Background

Girl at the Former Yardley Rectory

Lois Attlee at Cowper's Oak

Farm Group May 8th !945

First Yardley Band

First Yardley Band

Sea side outing to Clacton

U R C Outing

Ken and Nancy White retirement from Rose and Crown

An event on a float celibrating what ?

Float in Jubilee Square

The Floods June 1981

The Floods June 1981 at Old Pond

Yardley Hastings County Primary School

The Square Yardley Hastings

The Square Shop Lane

The United Reform Church

Barra & Derek Gill at the Rose & Crown

Outside The Rose & Crown

Ken Higginson outside The Red Lion

St Andrews Church and Manor Farm Barns

South View of St Andrews Church

Castle Ashby Road view north from No 29

Working Mens Club group photo

The British Legion group photo

Yardley Hastings School The First Cup Won

Mens British Legion Group Photo

First sports cup won by Yardley School

1930-40 Village Children

The Congregational Church

19 Castle Ashby Road

27 Chase Park Road

27 Chase Park Road

Nell & Jimmy Lack ?

Jimmy & Nell Lack ?

Granny Beck with her Lace pillow

Lady in long coat

Gaffers Garage 21 Northampton Road

Mrs Hilda King & Brother 27 Chase Park Road

Yardley Hastings Fire Brigade

Gallow Gate House c.1940-50

Yardley Hastings School 1930-40 group photo

Yardley Hastings The Fire Brigade c.1900

c.1940-50 Avenue Farm sheep dipping

Village Children in fancy dress c.1930-40

Large group photo at the Memorial Hall c.1940-50

Group photo somewhere in Yardley before 1918

c.1924-30 Co-operative Society Van

c.1940-50 Co-op Van

Chapel Bible Class before the 1st World War

Arthur Smith (Co-op) Baker 1924-1930

The Thatchers on the roof of 69 High St

The Thatchers

Gordon Dunkley the village master thatcher

Group of Village Children

Gordon Dunkley's BEM Cake

Gordon Dunkley BEM Celebrations

Gordon Dunkly being presented with his BEM

A View of the Church from the fields to the east

Boy's by the sea c.1946-7

Church Farm & The Mutton

View to 25 & 31 High Street from paddock opposite

Ladies in fancy dress (costume) c 1950s

Group Photo Avenue Farm Yardley

Women and children on the Beech

c.1950 Village outing group photo

The Girls on the Beech

The Girls on the Beech Paddling

Don Winter

Don & his Dogs Tony & Bob

Six school age Lads with Twigs

10 children in Pantomime? costume

Bill Underwood on his Bike

The Parish Bier by the Litch Gate

Robin Fossey with the Bier at Litch Gate

St Andrews Church and The refurbished Bier

Photo Des Henman the Old Forge 63 High St

Colin Underwood The Postman

View of the brook, note the measuring post

The Brook in full spate

1981 The floods Belmont House 6 the High St

1981 View of the floods from 6 the High St

Jack Pettit Ann Edwards mothers brother

Co-op 1930s vehicle led by Hector Partridge

Mrs Ellen Partridge nee Pettit

Grandfather Hubert Partridge with George

Unknown Wedding Group

Mr & Mrs Pettit Anne Edwards Grandparents

Anne Pearce Reg Childs Jean Houghton

flooding outside no 8 High St