Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Additions Jan-Mar 2015
  material added between these dates
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George Partridge and Cliff Lack

Castle Ashby School Children

Cliff Lack climbing fence in Little St

No 4 Chase Park Road

planted of new tree on The Square

Planted of tree on The Square

planted of new tree on The Square

The Square

planted of new tree on The Square

New Pavement



Greensleeves New Build

NewBuild at Greensleeves Chase Park Road

Chase Park Rd

House built by David Thorneycroft Chase Park Road

Castle Ashby Rd

The Forge

The Forge

The Forge

The Forge

The Forge

The Forge

The Forge Billy has new shoes

The Forge Billy has new shoes

Refurbishing of Pear tree Cottage

Peter Picton

Refurbishing of Pear tree Cottage

Refurbishing of Pear tree Cottage

Refurbishing of Pear tree Cottage

Chase Park Rd

Old peoples Bungalows Castle Ashby Rd