Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Additions Oct-Dec 2014
  all material added in this period
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Peggy Smith outside Spotley Cottages

Peggy, Frank, and Peter Picton

Peggy and son Peter Picton, dog Flussy

Picton family group

small member of Picton family

Frank Picton with dog Flussy out shooting

Picton group relaxing

Alfie Picton Gamekeeper/Publican with family

Classic cars Queen Eleanor Wootton

Ladies in fancy dress

Cottage Chase Park Road

No 4 Chase Park Road

Yardley Hastings Garage

Yardley Hastings Garage forecourt

Alec & Lewis Underwood, Jim Kemp

WI Fancy Dress dance

Fred and Charlie Smith

Fred Coles at work

Coop Golden Jubilee 1887-1937

Nell Rowe Nee Smith c1900

Mr and Mrs Cosham

Ken Smiths Grand Father, Grand Mother, & Mother

Aerial View

"Cedar Cottage" Northampton Road

J Denton Carrier

Little street an early post card view

Early view of High Street towards Jubilee Square

F Coles cooking Sunday Dinners

Rosie Smith with a coronation "float"

Sunday School outing to Clacton 1940s

1935 Silver Jubilee Womens Organisations

Coronation Belles WI Coronation Float

WI Coronation Float

QE ll Coronation float

1935 Jubilee Celebration Parade

Aerial View

Aerial View of Castle Ashby Road

Aerial View of Memorial Hall

Aerial View of Northampton Road and High Street

Aerial view of Lttle Street and High Street

The Poplars, 53-57 High St

Cottage Chase Park Road

Fencing Boards stacked for seasoning

keeper cleaning feeding trough

George (BrassY) Smith with a stack of faggotts

faggot cutting in Yardley Chase

Collecting faggotts with horses and cart

Keepers loading straw

Keepers having a break

Keeper feeding pheasant poults

timber cutting

preparing huge oak trunk

Marquis and keeper

Marquis on shoot early 1920s

Keepers with mobile hut

Keepers with mobile hut

Keepers on Lord Northamptons estate 1930

Keepers by hospitality tent

Estate Keepers ready for the shoot 1940s

Taking the shot

Keepers at their hut

collecting the days kill

retrieving the kill


Baron Von Goldeschmodt Rothchild's Shoot

High Street Yardley Hastings - Bedford Road End

School boys on cycles

Isobell Eldertons Wedding 1898

Homeguard Nov 11th 1944

Mrs Jess Lack in her wedding dress

Farmers shoot Eastern Wood

Pram race

Aerial View of Avenue Farm

Aerial View

Northampton Rd and the famous leak

Pear Tree Cottage

Pear Tree Cottage

The Square renewing the kerbs

Little Street renewing the Kerbs

renewing kerbs Junction High St/ Castle Ashby Rd

High Street at Junction of Castle Ashby Rd

Flooded High Street

WI group meeting Courteen Hall

Cottages Chase Park Road

The Old Rectory

Keepers & Beaters in the Avenue Lunch break 1930s

1956 Sunday school outing to Clacton

Dorothy Wooding born 1898

1956 fancy dress evening

23 High Street by Alan Fortescue

Rose and Crown early 60s

playtime at YH school

ducks in front of Little Lane cottages

village pump

The Brook in Little Lane

Reg Childs the village blacksmith at his forge

Pat Ratley making pillow lace

Bible class out side the Manse 1890s?

Young Reg Childs outside the forge

Neighbourly group of Rattleys and Whitneys

Louise Wooding

Sarah Wooding

Loiuse Wooding lived at Easton Maudit

Granny Lack

Wooding family group

Lace makers

Arthur and Dorothy Winter in Clacton

Jesse Lack nee winter

Arthur and Dorothy Winter

Flooded High Street

High Street Flood

after flood

Road Works

Re Kerbing

Burst Pipe

New Pavement


Road Works

The Square

New Railings

New Railings

New Pavement

New Wall

outside Lych gate

Workman outside Lych gate

Found in drain


Louise Wooding with Old Mick

Clifford Walter lack in his 20s