Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: additions Jul-Sept 2014
  all material added to site in this period
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Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c late 1940s?

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c 1895

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c 1920s

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c late 1940s?

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c 1920s

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c late 1940s?

Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c late 1940s?

stable at the Old Forge in need of repair

The stable at the od forge partially demolished

The manger and hay rack in the Old Forge stable

Stable being refurbished by Geoff Rowthorne

The stable at the od forge rebuilt

The wheel plate from the Old Forge

cottages north side of High Street

Bedford Road from the South

Bedford Road looking south

Castle Ashby Road looking towards The Maltings

Picton brothers on motorcycle

Mr A Picton in uniform

High St Yardley Hastings

Aerial View : Yardley-Hastings early 1990s

Windmill Farm Barn

Church Farm Barn before conversion