Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Additions OCT-DEC 2013
  all items added to site in this period
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Man and his dogs

Picton Family at Spotley Cottage

The Picton Bothers

The Picton Family on Brighton Beach

Pat Malarkey & Alf Picton at Brighton

Royal British Legion Ladies

School children group photo

Outing to Chelsea Flower Show

Outing to Chelsea Flower Show?

WI outing

Outing group

Church Fete at Castle Ashby?

British Legion " The Derby Draw"

a family group

Mrs Picton

Newspaper Article by SNC Tourist Information

Cribbage in the Rose and Crown

Peggy and Mrs Picton

Picton family group

Estate Game Keepers? relaxing

Mrs Annie Winter with Bob in Little Lane

Mrs Annie Winter with Bob in Little Lane

Tree Planting in the Chase?

The Brick Yard Castle Ashby

Tree Planting in the Chase?

The Brick Yard Castle Ashby

Yardley United FC team 1968-70

Mrs Picton, Peter Picton, & Wilf Underwood

Family group in back Garden of 5 Castle Ashby Rd

Village Bus trip 1960s?

Village men on a day out

Alf Picton and children in the Rose and Crown Yard

Roundhay Farm Barns

Roundhay Farm House

Fred Underwood and another with horse

Fred Wooding & another with horse and cart

Bunty Laurance with young Robin

Young Robin Laurance in Indian feathers

Bunty Laurance with baby Robin

Mrs Harry Laurance with sons?

Harold and Bunty Laurance

Harry and Bunty Laurance operating a binder

Harold Laurance past and present

Bunty and Harry Laurence with tractor and drill

Laurance family group

Harry Laurance with sheep

Harold Laurance with dogs

1940s village outing

rear of 95 High St from Church Tower

Mrs J George cousin at barns of 95 High St

Bill Denton age approx 40

carol singing at 26 Castle Ashby Road

Carol Singing at 26 Castle Ashby Road

Carol singing at 26 Castle Ashby Road

Castle Ashby road including no 26

Florence Evans outside 95 High Street

Florence Evans outside Barkers Hovel

family group where bungalows built Castle Ashby Rd

Josie George (nee Denton) outside Barkers Hovel

Josie George (nee Denton) outside 97 High St

Kath and Bill Denton

Kath Denton holding Janet Evans

Liz Fraiel behind 95 High St

Mayday celebrations 1960s

Mayday celebrations 1960s

Mayday celebrations 1960s

Merry Comrades Mayday celebrations

Merry Comrades Mayday celebrations

Merry Comrades Mayday celebrations

Merry Comrades Mayday celebrations

village outing 1940s

children outside Barkers Hovell

Pantomime at the New Theatre

seaside outing

seaside outing

seaside outing

seaside outing

seaside outing

seaside outing

St Andrews South east view

St Andrews Church Nativity

tree outside 95 High St

view from Church Tower

Welfare Xmas Party

Welfare Xmas Party

Welfare Xmas Party in the Memorial Hall

Welfare Xmas Party in the Memorial Hall

Yardley Hastings WI 60th Anniversary

WI planting celebration tree at the Memorial Hall

Local Womens group

Local Womens group

The Bark Hovels Chase Park Road