Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Additions Jul-Spt 13
  all images uploaded during this period
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group photo in front of school

St Andrews Church nativity scene

group photo of Scouts

WI fancy dress dance

post card of Court Parlour and Manor House

Elsie Partridge and Edie Ward with Pram

URC group photo

Postcard of Armistice Service at Memorial Hall

Memorial Hall

Memorial Hall with New Cross

Home Guard outside Memorial Hall

Beaters on the Estate

wide view of village from the south

Emma Kate Underwood o/s 95 High St

Emma Kate Underwood o/s 95 High St

Blanche Finch

Maud Finch and another

steam ploughing on a village farm

Rosemary Smith outside 8 The Square

Beck and Fred Underwood in Little Street

Elsie Underwood and Ester Finch with Teddy

Ernie and Hilda Woodhams

Oaks outing to Windsor

Elinnor Underwood and daughter Rosemary

Rosemary Smith nee Underwood

Mrs Fred (Beck) Underwood Little Street

Esther Finch Northampton Road

Dick & Rupert Minney & Frank Picton

A day out at Gloucester

Mrs Lewis & Bob Underwood o/s Rose and Crown

Mrs Picton & Auntie Flo from Brighton

Don and Alma Peters

village group

The Day These Teachers retired from Yardley School

Beck Underwood in Little Street

YHHC float at the corner of Little Street

YHHC fund raising event

Yardley Hastings Hospital Committee float

Nativity Scene

Rose and Crown Bar

5 Young village maids

Postman Jim Finch

Rev Twycross Raines

Rev Thompson

Rosemary and Albert as Joseph and Mary

The Finch family outside Sycamore Cottage

Esther Finch and Ellinor Finch

Ada Finch

Ted Underwood

Blanche Finch

Ted Underwood

Molly Finch

Esther Uunerwood and her Five Grannies

School group photo

A group of beaters

small group of ladies in costume

Nativity scene

Ken Minney & Hilda Ingram wedding group

Men having a pint

Mums and Toddlers Welfare group

URC in Winter

The Square in Winter

Postcard view of the High St from Peartree Cottage

Sammy Smith outside Pear Tree Cottage

Bob Underwood

Mrs Howard Underwood & Sammy Smith

Coronation /Jubilee?group outside the URC

Emma Kate Underwood o/s 95 High St

Mrs Janey Johnson o/s 3 Bedford Road East

Pageant float for King George V Jubilee

May Queen and her attendants?

Silver Jubilee George V village celebration

Court Parlour from the Church - Old Photo

The Poplars High St

High St from the pocket park opposite the Red Lion

Postcard view of village from the playing field

Cowpers Oak with Biggin Lodge in the background

post card of Cowpers Oak, Biggin Lodge behind

postcard view of South End of High St & Bedford Rd

Postcard view of Church Lane/High Street junction

Postcard view of High St/Little Lane Junction

Postcard view Jubilee Square from the North

Postcard view Of St Andrews from West

group photo of whole school

Postcard view of Jubilee Square and High Street

view from St Andrews Tower westwards

Bark Hovels Cottages in course of conversion

Mrs Arthur Berrill & Nellie Tillbrook

Ham and Edie Winter o/s house next to Coop

Mr Gardner the shopkeeper o/s no1 Blackwells Yard

Shoemender and others

A group of Village workers

Staff and Committee Village Coop

group of schoolchildren in The Square

Herbert and Leonard Underwood shearing sheep

view down Shop Lane to High Street

youngsters country dancing

Village School Teachers

Mrs Wilfred Denton outside Yardley hastings Garage

Tollgate House Warrington

Old shoe factory Bedford Road before pavements

April Cottages Chase Park Road

A family day out by coach

Working Mens Club members

founder members of of Working Mens Club

Yardley United medals

Yarley United EML League Champions Medal 1923

Yardley United team 1921-1922

Kath Denton

Charlie and Fred Smith (Tingle)

Ernest Fraeil dragging logs with heavy horses

group of ladies dressed in their Sunday best

Chase Park Road looking Northwards

The Pond (or Claypit) Chase Park Road

Flooded fields above dams built to alleviate flood

Flooded fields above dams built to alleviate flood

water running off flooded fields

Chase Park Road flooded

Chase Park Road flooded

Chase Park Road flooded at Highfield Way

The Brook at Waterfall Farm in flood conditions

High St flooded at Jubille Square

High St flooded at North End

Jubilee Square flooded

High Street Flooded at Long Acre

North End of High street Flooded

North End of High street Flooded

Corner of High St and Castle Ashby Road flooded

Castle Ashby Road Flooded

Peter Yates outside his flooded house

High St and School field flooded

1936 Olympics Programme Cover

inside page of the souvenir programme

inside page of the souvenir programme

Harold Laurence working at Roundhay Farm

Harold Laurance working out on the farm

Harold Laurance working out on the farm

Advertisement News Chronicle 12 April1936

Harold Laurance workinmg to keep fit

from a Chronicle and Echo feature July 22nd 1996

article from Chronicle and Echo July 22nd 1996

Roundhay Farm where Harold Laurance worked

Harold Laurance father ?

Harold Laurance mother?

Harold Laurance

Harold Laurance working out on the farm

a family group

Mother and Baby

Harold Laurance

Hockey team group photo

Laurance Family

Large group of Ladies on an outing

Alf Picton and Son

Audrey Finch at the seaside

Village group in Midland Road Olney

Locals at FA Cup at Highbury