Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Floods and Storms
  All information pertaining to actual floods and flood relief
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Chase Park Road floods

Floods Chase Park Road 1981

Chase park Road Floods 1981

Floods Chase Park Road 1981

April Cottage flooded

The Barlows display soaked carpets - April Cottage

Chase Park Rd new Culvert under construction

personal report of 1968 flood by F Ward

Chase park Rd New Culvert under construction

Chase Park Rd New Culvert under construction

Chase Park Rd New Culvert under construction

Construction of new Culvert Chase Park Road

1981 flood Old Pond

The Floods June 1981

The Floods June 1981 at Old Pond

The Brook in full spate

rear of the Maltings - 62 floods

Flooded fields above dams built to alleviate flood

Flooded fields above dams built to alleviate flood

water running off flooded fields

Chase Park Road flooded

Chase Park Road flooded

Chase Park Road flooded at Highfield Way

The Brook at Waterfall Farm in flood conditions

High St flooded at Jubille Square

High St flooded at North End

Jubilee Square flooded

High Street Flooded at Long Acre

North End of High street Flooded

North End of High street Flooded

Corner of High St and Castle Ashby Road flooded

Castle Ashby Road Flooded

Peter Yates outside his flooded house

High St and School field flooded

Yardley Floods.

Yardley Hastingsin the Snow

Yardley Hastings in the Snow

Castle Ashby Road

1947 snow in the Village.

View from the Sq up to the Rose and Crown.

1947 snow in the Village.

Snow fall on Wilmer Hill

1947 snow in the village

Yardley in the Snow

Castle Ashby Rd cottages in the snow

Flooded High Street