Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: Businesses
  Retail and other businesses and services in the village
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Evacuees at Chase Park Saw Mill

Old Coop Coal Yard and Butchers Shop

The Old Bakery Castle Ashby Road

The Old Bakery in Chase Park Road

The Square Yardley Hastings

Longacre before recent restoration in 2012

rear of house before restoration

Garages of Long acre before restoration

Mrs Wilfred Denton outside Yardley hastings Garage

Group in Coop Yard

5 Rectory Lane James and Leah lack

Large wood boring machine in the Old Forge

Wood boring machine in the Old Forge

Counterbalance end of large wood boring machine

Robert Hollowell dismantling Machine

removing wheel plate from old forge garden

Removing wheel plate from garden

stable at the Old Forge in need of repair

The stable at the od forge partially demolished

The manger and hay rack in the Old Forge stable

Stable being refurbished by Geoff Rowthorne

The stable at the od forge rebuilt

The wheel plate from the Old Forge

Yardley Hastings Garage forecourt

Yardley Hastings Garage

Fred Coles & Gwen Brimacombe in Bakers whites

J Denton Carrier

F Coles cooking Sunday Dinners

Reg Childs the village blacksmith at his forge

Young Reg Childs outside the forge

Lace makers

The witch and the Lace Makers

The Forge in High St Reg Childs was the Blacksmith

The village Shoo and Post Office High Street

Freddy Coles the Baker at work

inside the Old Forge High St