Images of Yardley Hastings
Set: individuals
  photos containing people
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Fire brigade in 1912

Stephen Knibbs

Stephen Knibbs

demolition of Old Bakehouse in progress

Demolition of Old Bakehouse

Demolition of Old Bakehouse

Demolition of Old Bakehouse

Demolition of Old Bakehouse

group photo young children o/s Yardley School

April Cottage flooded

The Barlows display soaked carpets - April Cottage

Derek and Ernie Frail on Horseback

Evacuees at Chase Park Saw Mill

Ernie Frail with covered food cart

Emmie Fraiel bottle feeding a Fawn

Cowpers (judiths) Oak

Ernie Frail with horses

Derek and Ernie Fraiel on Horse

WI group photo

group photo of coach outing

close up of group photo of coach outing

Ray Roberts with two young evacuees

Emma Kate Underwood and daughter o/s (97) High St

close up of Emma Kate Underwood and daughter

Photo outside Pound Cottage Little Street

Chase park Rd New Culvert under construction

Chase Park Rd new Culvert under construction

Bev Drage outside Gees farm House

very early school group photo

York House with Robin and Brenda Fossey

Floods Chase Park Road 1981

Waterfall Farm Barns

Norah Whiting & Mrs Edith Underwood

Norah Whiting & Mrs Albert Underwood

Castle Ashby Road Cottages now demolished

The Toll House Bedford Road

23 High Street in Background

Lois Attlee at Cowper's Oak

Barra & Derek Gill at the Rose & Crown

Farm Group May 8th !945

First Yardley Band

First Yardley Band

Sea side outing to Clacton

U R C Outing

An event on a float celibrating what ?

Float in Jubilee Square

The Floods June 1981

Yardley Hastings County Primary School

19 Castle Ashby Road

Outside The Rose & Crown

Ken Higginson outside The Red Lion

27 Chase Park Road

The United Reform Church

27 Chase Park Road

Nell & Jimmy Lack ?

Jimmy & Nell Lack ?

Granny Beck with her Lace pillow

Lady in long coat

Gaffers Garage 21 Northampton Road

Mrs Hilda King & Brother 27 Chase Park Road

c.1940-50 Co-op Van

Arthur Smith (Co-op) Baker 1924-1930

The Thatchers on the roof of 69 High St

The Thatchers

Gordon Dunkley the village master thatcher

Working Mens Club group photo

The British Legion group photo

Yardley Hastings School The First Cup Won

Gordon Dunkley's BEM Cake

Gordon Dunkly being presented with his BEM

Mens British Legion Group Photo

1930-40 Village Children

Boy's by the sea c.1946-7

Church Farm & The Mutton

Group Photo Avenue Farm Yardley

Don Winter

Don & his Dogs Tony & Bob

Yardley Hastings School 1930-40 group photo

Yardley Hastings The Fire Brigade c.1900

c.1940-50 Avenue Farm sheep dipping

Village Children in fancy dress c.1930-40

Large group photo at the Memorial Hall c.1940-50

Group photo somewhere in Yardley before 1918

Chapel Bible Class before the 1st World War

Group of Village Children

Gordon Dunkley BEM Celebrations

Ladies in fancy dress (costume) c 1950s

Women and children on the Beech

c.1950 Village outing group photo

Bill Underwood on his Bike

The Parish Bier by the Litch Gate

The Girls on the Beech

The Girls on the Beech Paddling

Robin Fossey with the Bier at Litch Gate

Six school age Lads with Twigs

10 children in Pantomime? costume

Colin Underwood The Postman

Jack Pettit Ann Edwards mothers brother

Co-op 1930s vehicle led by Hector Partridge

Wind Mill Farm High St & Colin Underwood

Mrs Ellen Partridge nee Pettit

Grandfather Hubert Partridge with George

Mr & Mrs Pettit Anne Edwards Grandparents

Anne Pearce Reg Childs Jean Houghton

School Children singing

The School Xmas production

Bill & Wilf Denton on Penny Farthings

Winnie Wooding

Tenor ringer tolling Mid night Dec 31st 1995

Group Photograph two couple and a baby

Group Photograph Winter family with Cliff Lack

Jesse Lack & Doll Winter ( Mother)

Jessie Lack in period dress at the Lych Gate

Outside The Village School

Fred Coles at the oven in the Bakery

Fred Coles & Gwen Brimacombe in Bakers whites

Arthur Ingram

Collecting Sunday Dinner from the Bakery

Going to funeral service of Mr Denton

Group Photograph 4 ladies on an outing

Yardley Folk on a Day Out at the seaside

The Ashby Cluster tent making project

Parents and family audience

Mrs Mary Brown and her Year Group

Wood Faggots supplied by Mr George Smith

WI Ladies League Cup winning group

Harold Laurance Holding Frozen Produce

Tony and Steven Underwood at Windmill Farm

Tony Underwood with Bob the dog

Theatrical Group in the 50s

Group of village school children

Rosemary and John Bickirton

Chapel Keep fit with Rev Skelton

Dumbell Exercises Urc with Rev Skelton

Chapel keep fit class with Rev ES Skelton

Sarah Wilford and Laura on Castle Ashby Road

Alan Crumpler's Father a Special Constable

Private Alan Crumpler in uniform

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

Yardley Cluster tent making Project

group photo in front of school

St Andrews Church nativity scene

group photo of Scouts

WI fancy dress dance

Elsie Partridge and Edie Ward with Pram

URC group photo

Home Guard outside Memorial Hall

Emma Kate Underwood o/s 95 High St

Emma Kate Underwood o/s 95 High St

Blanche Finch

Tent making project by the Ashby Cluster

Maud Finch and another

Rosemary Smith outside 8 The Square

Beck and Fred Underwood in Little Street

Elsie Underwood and Ester Finch with Teddy

Ernie and Hilda Woodhams

Oaks outing to Windsor

Elinnor Underwood and daughter Rosemary

Rosemary Smith nee Underwood

Mrs Fred (Beck) Underwood Little Street

Esther Finch Northampton Road

Dick & Rupert Minney & Frank Picton

A day out at Gloucester

Mrs Lewis & Bob Underwood o/s Rose and Crown

Mrs Picton & Auntie Flo from Brighton

Don and Alma Peters

village group

The Day These Teachers retired from Yardley School

Beck Underwood in Little Street

YHHC float at the corner of Little Street

YHHC fund raising event

Yardley Hastings Hospital Committee float

Rose and Crown Bar

5 Young village maids

Postman Jim Finch

Rosemary and Albert as Joseph and Mary

The Finch family outside Sycamore Cottage

Esther Finch and Ellinor Finch

Ada Finch

Ted Underwood

Blanche Finch

Jim & Esther Finch at their daughters wedding

Ted Underwood

Molly Finch

Esther Uunerwood and her Five Grannies

School group photo

A group of beaters

small group of ladies in costume

Nativity scene

Ken Minney & Hilda Ingram wedding group

Men having a pint

Mums and Toddlers Welfare group

Sammy Smith outside Pear Tree Cottage

Bob Underwood

Mrs Howard Underwood & Sammy Smith

Coronation /Jubilee?group outside the URC

Emma Kate Underwood o/s 95 High St

Mrs Janey Johnson o/s 3 Bedford Road East

Pageant float for King George V Jubilee

May Queen and her attendants?

Mrs Arthur Berrill & Nellie Tillbrook

Ham and Edie Winter o/s house next to Coop

Mr Gardner the shopkeeper o/s no1 Blackwells Yard

Shoemender and others

A group of Village workers

Staff and Committee Village Coop

Herbert and Leonard Underwood shearing sheep

Village School Teachers

Mrs Wilfred Denton outside Yardley hastings Garage

Tollgate House Warrington

A family day out by coach

Working Mens Club members

founder members of of Working Mens Club

Yardley United team 1921-1922

Kath Denton

Charlie and Fred Smith (Tingle)

Ernest Fraeil dragging logs with heavy horses

group of ladies dressed in their Sunday best

Peter Yates outside his flooded house

Harold Laurance father ?

Harold Laurance mother?

a family group

Mother and Baby

Hockey team group photo

Large group of Ladies on an outing

Alf Picton and Son

Audrey Finch at the seaside

Village group in Midland Road Olney

Picton Family at Spotley Cottage

The Picton Bothers

The Picton Family on Brighton Beach

Pat Malarkey & Alf Picton at Brighton

Royal British Legion Ladies

Outing to Chelsea Flower Show

Outing group

Church Fete at Castle Ashby?

British Legion " The Derby Draw"

a family group

Mrs Picton

Cribbage in the Rose and Crown

Peggy and Mrs Picton

Picton family group

Estate Game Keepers? relaxing

Mrs Annie Winter with Bob in Little Lane

Mrs Annie Winter with Bob in Little Lane

Tree Planting in the Chase?

The Brick Yard Castle Ashby

The Brick Yard Castle Ashby

Yardley United FC team 1968-70

Mrs Picton, Peter Picton, & Wilf Underwood

Outing to Chelsea Flower Show?

Family group in back Garden of 5 Castle Ashby Rd

Village Bus trip 1960s?

Village men on a day out

Alf Picton and children in the Rose and Crown Yard

Fred Underwood and another with horse

Fred Wooding & another with horse and cart

Bunty Laurance with young Robin

Young Robin Laurance in Indian feathers

Bunty Laurance with baby Robin

Harold and Bunty Laurance

Harry and Bunty Laurance operating a binder

Harold Laurance past and present

Bunty and Harry Laurence with tractor and drill

Laurance family group

Harry Laurance with sheep

Harold Laurance with dogs

Mrs J George cousin at barns of 95 High St

Bill Denton age approx 40

Carol Singing at 26 Castle Ashby Road

Carol singing at 26 Castle Ashby Road

Florence Evans outside 95 High Street

Florence Evans outside Barkers Hovel

Josie George (nee Denton) outside Barkers Hovel

Josie George (nee Denton) outside 97 High St

Kath and Bill Denton

Kath Denton holding Janet Evans

Liz Fraiel behind 95 High St

Local Womens group

children outside Barkers Hovell

seaside outing

seaside outing

Pearce family group

Pearce family group

Chase Park Farm Guests

Louis Pearce

Pearce family group

Louis and Phoebe Pearce

Louis Pearce

Children at play in Jubilee Square

Farm Group in the 1930s

Retirement Party for Butcher Albert Woodford

Tree felling in the Chase

Keepers by old railway carriage

Yardley Hastings Boy Scout Troup

Carte de Visite of Emma Underwood

URC Coach outing 1950s

John and Sarah Underwood

John Frederick Winter

"The Smilers" Royal Horse Artillery Troup WW1

Dinner - boys night out

The First Committee of Yardley Coop

Yardley Hastings Cricket team 1970s

Welfare Christmas Party

Sheep Dipping Avenue Farm

Richard and Jenny Smith plus Children and Partners

Northampton Cobblers v Arsenal at Highbury

Yardley Hastings Fire Brigade with their New Pump

Tom Ratley Home Guard 1940-45

Mr Copeland o/s URC

Jubillee celebrations

Mrs Copeland o/s URC

Home Guard at the end of the WW2

Lawrence Bakery High St

School children photo behind Old School Hall

David Underwood and his wife Ellen

Wedding of Norman and Nancy Carter

Granny Underwood with Gillian and Harry Underwood

John Wiliam Underwood and Wife Elizabeth Kate

Elizabeth Kate Underwood (granny)

Children of John and Elizabeth Underwood

"We are the Yardley Boys"

Crowning of the May Queen

Group at Barry Jones wedding

May Queen

Barry Jones Wedding

Eric Osborne at Cadbury world

Visit to Cadbury World

Visit to Cadbury World

Visit to Cadbury World

Cadbury World Visit

Cadbury World Visit.

Boys playing.

Village Quiz Team Red Lion B

Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Team Quiz

Quiz Team

Presentation to Marjorie Burch

Team Little Street.

Quiz Team

Quiz Team

Church Mice Quiz team Village Quiz

David Williams

Group of local people.

Don Elderton

Elderton Family Group

Charles Elderton

British Legion Club Yardley Hastings

Harry Elderton

Cyril Drage

Robert Lawrence

Robert Lawrence

Fred Elderton

Kath Elderton

Nigel Lack and Daphne Kinlan

Betty Field

Yvonne Harris and Karen Holden

Jim Harris/Margaret Higginson/ Tom O`Neill

Margaret Higginson

Brian Pringle at Presentation

Guests at Presentation

Ellen Fowler nee Carter outside 27 Chase Park Rd

On the Trailer

Part of Castle Ashby Road

Girls Country Dancing.

Cottage on the Bedford Road.

Jack Ward Playing Golf

. Jubilee Square.

Fairy Queen

Pony and Trap,

Whitney and Rattley Family Group

George, Ruth and Herbert Partridge outside house.

Ken Harratt in Fancy Dress

Jack, Fred and Mrs Ward

The Stirrup Cup.

St Andrews Church

Mary and Arthur Berril

Phil Minney & Gladys Fairy

Don Eldertons Shop

Chase Park Rd,. 1920

Pony and Trap.

Parade Float.

Jim Page and dog

Staff of YH Coop C1900 in front of shop

Rev Skilton and Mr Frank Gallager

Group in Coop Yard

Colin and Horace Underwood in pony and trap

wedding Miss Violet Richards Mr Richard Pestell

5 Rectory Lane James and Leah lack

Stephen Underwood with school bus

Daphne henman and Robert Hollowell

Robert Hollowell dismantling Machine

removing wheel plate from old forge garden

Removing wheel plate from garden

Picton brothers on motorcycle

Mr A Picton in uniform

Peggy, Frank, and Peter Picton

Peggy Smith outside Spotley Cottages

Peggy and son Peter Picton, dog Flussy

Picton family group

Frank Picton with dog Flussy out shooting

Picton group relaxing

Alfie Picton Gamekeeper/Publican with family

Ladies in fancy dress

Alec & Lewis Underwood, Jim Kemp

Fred and Charlie Smith

Fred Coles at work

Nell Rowe Nee Smith c1900

Mr and Mrs Cosham

Ken Smiths Grand Father, Grand Mother, & Mother

"Cedar Cottage" Northampton Road

J Denton Carrier

F Coles cooking Sunday Dinners

Rosie Smith with a coronation "float"

Sunday School outing to Clacton 1940s

Isobell Eldertons Wedding 1898

Mrs Jess Lack in her wedding dress

WI group meeting Courteen Hall

Keepers & Beaters in the Avenue Lunch break 1930s

1956 Sunday school outing to Clacton

Dorothy Wooding born 1898

1956 fancy dress evening

Reg Childs the village blacksmith at his forge

Pat Ratley making pillow lace

Young Reg Childs outside the forge

Neighbourly group of Rattleys and Whitneys

Louise Wooding

Sarah Wooding

Loiuse Wooding lived at Easton Maudit

Granny Lack

Wooding family group

Lace makers

Arthur and Dorothy Winter in Clacton

Jesse Lack nee winter

Arthur and Dorothy Winter

Louise Wooding with Old Mick

Clifford Walter lack in his 20s

George Partridge and Cliff Lack

Cliff Lack climbing fence in Little St

Jean Thompsons wedding

Nativity in Memorial Hall

Granny and Grampy Wooding

Family Group

Ebenezer Smith

Louise Wooding and Will Robinson

Church Sunday School 1960

The witch and the Lace Makers

Local Lads

Mr Ingram

Cliff Lack and Eric Osborne

Maisie Underwood with granddaughter Jodie

The Forge in High St Reg Childs was the Blacksmith

Local group Possible for a Chapel outing

Coronation Hand Bells

Cliff and Jess Lack at Don Eldertons 70th Birthday

Rogation Service Roundhay Farm

Mr and Mrs Winter

Jess Lack's Aunt Bell. Uncle Morris and Aunt Sue

Mary and Arthur (Pup) Berrill

Harry ? and Dot Whites Wedding

Francis Ward (carrier) and Sally his Horse

Francis Ward Carrier) with his horse Sally

Frederick Winter age 83

Local Freddy and the Dreamers

Pram race finishing in the Square

Laying foundation stone of bus shelter

Parish Councillors in front of the Bus Shelter

1930 Mayday Committee

Coronation George V

Retirement of Local Teachers

Local ladies in fancy dress

Young group in Fancy dress

Des Henman, Patrick McLoughlin, Neville Lack

Hubert Partridge

Sarah Smith standing Outside 20 Chase Park Road

Nellie and Agnes Petit

Miss Ada Roberts with family

Ken Minney and Hilda Ingram's Wedding

Isobel and Harry Etlderton

Hilda Ingram holding Cynthia Lack

Mr and Mrs Minney Nellie Crowther standing

Jess and Cynthia Lack, Hilda and Colin Minney

Arnold Underwood and David Williams

Pamela Carters Christening

Believed to be Mr and Mrs Wooding

Ken and Nancy White retirement from Rose and Crown