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Set:  additions Jan - March 2014
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Yardley Hastings School Group Photo c 1920
  date not known. Front row 1st from left Fred Clarke, 3rd Horace Underwood. 2nd row 4th girl Hilda Chapman, 3rd boy Ron King, 2 girls on end Emily Underwood, May Underwood. back row 2nd girl Betty Priest, 3rd girl Eddie Robinson, 10th girl Hilda Willey . Teacher is Miss Ada Roberts. In 1940/50s 14 and 15yr olds came from Little and Great Houghton, Brafield, Denton, Cogenhoe, Whiston, and Castle Ashby to Yardley School.    
  Source: Colin underwood approximate year: 1920  

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  School Children

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