Buildings in Yardley Hastings
No 79

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At present there is no information available about this building.

Listed building

The building was listed in 1988 with listing particulars as follows.

House. Dated 1697, extended C18 and C20. Coursed limestone rubble, C20 tile roof, brick end stack. 2-unit plan. 2 storeys and attic; 3-window range. Gable end faces street and has shallow segmental bay window of c.1800 to ground flor and 2-light casement windows to 1st and attic floors, all with wood lintels. Ground floor lintel extends almost whole length of front. Timber of similar length below 1st floor window. Datestone to gable inscribed S/TS/1697; stone-coped gable with kneelers. Irregular glazing to left side elevation of sash, casement and C20 windows with wood lintels and single-storey C20 extension with lean-to roof. 2-storey-and-attic wing of red brick projects to right of front gable end; probably late C18. End wall of this wing has slight oversail and thin timber-framing above 1st floor level. This wing may have formerly extended over a carriage arch. Hipped dormer window and brick ridge stack. Entrance to right side elevation behind projecting wing. Interior has chamfered spine beams

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