Buildings in Yardley Hastings
Working Mens Club

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17 Names listed elsewhere

prior to roadwidening - shows two cottages either side the left hand one is now white rendered and the right hand on was demolished and a new 4 Bedroomm House built

Whennit close it became the Working Mens Club. It is now demolished and is the site of ablock of 5 small flats. Note no pavement and how narrow the road is

view of the shoe factory before the overhead telephone wires were installed and the road widened - probably pre - 1900 compare with previous photo from the south DH-33

circa 1900 before the road widening and building of the Compton Bridge in 1912 Note the shoe "factory is on the road and the roadside cottages on the left no longer exist - note the mile stone on the left

Building to left Building to right