Buildings in Yardley Hastings
No 1 URC Manse

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No summary available.

Listed building

The building was listed in 1988 with listing particulars as follows.

House, formerly manse. Early C19 with older origins. Limestone ashlar, slate roof, brick end stacks. 2-unit central-staircase plan. 2-storeys and attic; 3-window range. Central panelled, part-glazed door with moulded wood surround in C19 timber trellis porch. Sash windows to ground and 1st floor with dressed stone sills. Door and windows have segmental-arched heads with moulded key blocks. Plinth, quoins, storey band and ironstone-coped gable to left with kneelers. Right gable end adjoins United Reform Church (q,v.). Interior has stop-chamfered spine beams. Dog-leg stair from ground floor to attic and back stair from ground to 1st floors
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this is before the Smiths build their house between so the wall is intact

Mr and Mrs EC Revitt and Mr LS Kay Picture standing outside the Church

post card view of part of the village date uncertain

Photo taken in the Manse Garden Yardley Hastings.

Building to left