Buildings in Yardley Hastings
Gees Farm

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Long view from the West aprox date eearly 1990s

Lview from the west aprox early 1990s showing ruined barns

Red brick building is where cows were milked. Windmill farm had exactly the same building for milking cows, red brick and asbestos roof so has Yardley Lodge Farm[John Keggins] they are still there

Before new houses built

Before building of new houses

Before Modernisation Building in foreground with tin roof was the Dairy

Shows one of the old barns of Gees Farm

Post completion of new culvert under Chase Park Road

Before demolision and redevelopment

Before development

Gees Farm Barns before redevelopment

when first modermised and occupied by Richard and Coralie Kendall

Gees Farm Barns before redevelopment

Shows ducks swimming on the road

Building to left Building to right