Buildings in Yardley Hastings
No 11

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Listed building

The building was listed in 1988 with listing particulars as follows.

House c,1800, altered C19. Coursed limestone rubble, plain-tile roof, brick end stacks. 2-unit central-staircase plan. 2 storeys and attic; 3-window range. Central 6-panel part-glazed door with moulded wood surround in gabled open timber porch. C19 sash windows to ground and 1st flours with stop-chamfered wood lintels, 1-storey, 1-window extension to right with pantile roof. Interior has stone-flagged hall, early C19 moulded wood surrounds to fireplaces of ground floor rooms, and truss roof
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The middle house was Mr Willmotts bake house unti the Smith Bros took over during the war

shows juncrion Castel AshbyRoad with High St and Walkers Pond, Cottages and Brkers Hovel on East side High Street demolish so estimated date mid 1960s No 1 High St is original.

shows nos 7,9,and 11 note no 7 was for sale in 1998 at £175

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