Buildings in Yardley Hastings
No 3 URC Chapel

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No summary available.

Listed building

The building was listed in 1988 with listing particulars as follows.

GV II Nonconformist chapel. Built 1813, extended mid C19. Coursed squared limestone, slate roof. Single cell plan. 2-storey, 4-window range. 2 central bays break forward slightly and have 2-light casement windows to ground floor with segmental-arched heads. C20 doors to far left and right with plain pilastered wood surrounds and entablatures. Doors and windows above are set in shallow recesses with round-arched heads. 2-light casement windows to 1st floor with round-arched heads. Segmental and round-headed arches are of contrasting grey sandstone and all have key blocks. Pedimented gable with central keyed oculus. A rectangular railed enclosure projects to centre; cast-iron railings with spear finials and urn finials to standards. County fire insurance plaque to 1st floor centre. Plaque between 1st floor centre windows with hood mould inscribed Built 1718/Destroyed by Fire/March 1813/Rebuilt and Enlarged/By Public/Subscription 1813. Long recessed panel above 1st floor windows bearing inscription YARDLEY CHAPEL. 2-storey, 3-window red brick extension to right with side door. Fine interior with galleries to 3 sides. Galleries have panelled fronts. Central panel of gallery to entrance end breaks forward and bears clock face. The galleries are supported by slender cast-iron columns with simple Ionic-style capitals. Deep coved plaster ceiling. Later C19 pitch-pine pews and pulpit. First floor room of extension, formerly Sunday School can be opened out to gallery adjacent by shuttered partition to wall between, which is supported by pair of painted stone or cast-iron baseless Doric columns. Originally a Congregational Chapel founded 1672. (Buildings of England: Northanptonshirei 1973, p471)
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URC in Winter

only one name known Percy Smith - little boy seated at the front Assumed to be King George V Jubilee celebrations

This is now the United Reform Chapel

date from post mark

Hand water pump set by wall, also window of Dorothy Harretts shop on right.

Yardley Chapel and Manse c1900

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