Buildings in Yardley Hastings
Glebe Farm

Building to left   Building to right

No summary available.

Listed building

The building was listed in 1988 with listing particulars as follows.

House, formerly farmhouse. Dated 1698(?), altered C19 and C20. Coursed limestone rubble, thatch roof, brick ridge, end and rear lateral stacks. 3-unit plan. 2 storeys and attic; 4-window range. Central 4-panel, part-glazed door with wood lintel in gabled wood porch. 3-light C20 casement windows to ground floor and 2-light casements to 1st floor, all with wood lintels. Roof dormer with 3-light casement. Large stone lateral stack to rear centre with tiled offset and brick flue, covered by single-storey brick extension with casement windows and door, with wood lintels. Ridge stack has moulded stone cap to rear inscribed WI/1698(?). interior has stone-flagged floor and spine beams
Building to left   Building to right

The following photographs are available.  Click on a thumbnail to view full image or click see larger images here.

Drive and footpath leading past Glebe Farm garages

The footpath Glebe Farm Little Llane

Building to left Building to right