Buildings in Yardley Hastings
The Old Rectory

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No summary available.

Listed building

The building was listed in 1968 with listing particulars as follows.

House, formerly rectory. Built 1701 for Reverend Humphry Betty, altered C20, Coursed limestone rubble faced with brick, plain-tile roof, brick end stacks. 2-unit central-staircase plan. 2 storeys and attic; 5-window range. Main front is brick-faced and faces south. Central 6-panel door with fanlight, moulded wood surround in moulded limestone doorway with round-arched head and keyblock, flanked by narrow brick pilaster strips topped by moulded stone brackets supporting moulded brick segmental pediment which frames datestone. Door is approached by 5 stone steps flanked by low curved stone-coped walls. 12-pane sash windows to ground and 1st floors with stone sills and flat-arched heads. That to 1st floor centre has raised brick surround with scrolled feet and cut brick serpentine ornament to head. Blank rendered panels to ground and 1st floors either end with panel moulding and flat-arched heads. 6-pane sashes to basement with segmental-arched heads, wave- moulded stone-capped plinth, moulded wood eaves with deep plastered eaves cornice, 3 pedimented roof dormers, that to centre with segmental pediment and shaped stone- coped gables with kneelers. One-storey-and-attic wing to rear left of coursed limestone rubble and uncertain date possibly pre-dating main structure. Interior: hall has bolection-moulded marble chimneypiece and fine panelling from Streatlam Castle, Durham (dem.1933) early C18 with carved drops to narrow panels flanking overmantel and door to drawing room, and carved wood garlands to overmantel. Drawing Room has bolection-moulded marble chimneypiece and handsome early-C18 panelling from Felling Hall, Newcastle, with Ionic pilasters flanking chimneypiece and round- arched, semi-domed niche to one corner flanked by thin Ionic pilasters. Early C18 dog-leg staircase brought in from elsewhere with panelled dado and barley-sugar twist balusters. Passage leading to staircase from front door now forms part of hall. Painted wood panelling in 1st floor bedrooms. Principal bedroom has bolection-moulded marble chimneypiece and is flanked by Ionic pilasters as in drawing room; panelling resembles that from Felling Hall and may come from same source. House ceased to be rectory in 1935. Panelling probably installed by Mr & Mrs Peter Wilson owners from 1949, keen furniture collectors. (Buildings of England: Northamptonshire: 1973, p472; The Antique Collector June 1968, ppl07-116, illustrating house as furnished by Mr & Mrs Wilson)
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The following photographs are available.  Click on a thumbnail to view full image or click see larger images here.

Gordon Dunkly being presented with his BEM

A view of The Old Rectory across Leys Field 1996

The Old Rectory

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