Buildings in Yardley Hastings
Chase Park Farm

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No summary available.

Listed building

The building was listed in 1968 with listing particulars as follows.

Farmhouse, formerly dower house. Mid/late C17, altered C20. Coursed limestone rubble with limestone dressings, interlocking tile roof, stone end stacks with diagonal brick flues. U-plan. 2 storeys and attic; 2-window range. Central 4-panel, part-glazed door with moulded stone surround and horizontal oval overlight. 3-light ovolo-moulded stone mullion windows to ground and 1st floors with hood moulds, those to ground floor with relieving arches. Gabled dormers to left and right with 2-light ovolo-moulded stone mullion windows with hood moulds. Large sundial above door with hood mould. A 2-storey-and-attic, 2-window, wing to rear left, with stone mullion windows, full-height gabled stair turret to rear centre, and one-storey-and-attic kitchen wing to rear right with ornamental tile ridges. Casement windows and back door with wood lintels. Interior has ogee-stop-chamfered spine beams, open fireplace with ogee-stop-chamfered bressumer and stone fireplace with 4-centred head
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at the beginning of the 20th century we are given to understand there was some quest accommodation at the farm

Chase Park Farm House

Chase Park Farm House

Building to left Building to right