Buildings in Yardley Hastings
No 37 April Cottage

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Mr & Mrs Peter Barlow displaying their soaked carpets salvaged when April Cottage waas flooded by the Brook

Peter Barlow the Manager of the Coop on the Bedford Road lived here until he died in 1996

Then owned by Mr and Mrs P Barlow

Mr and Mrs Peter Barlow return from holiday to find their cottage flooded and are seen here holding up their soaked carpets - note first two food reservoirs were built 1972 but proved inadequate

3 figures not known Cottage 3 in number, origonally owned by the state were reconstructed as one by the Coop for their manager, purchased by Mr and Mrs Barlow and have since been further extended and modernised.

Peter Barlow who was the manager of the Coop in Bedford Road lived here with his wife until he died in 1996

This modernisation was undertaken by Mr Barlow shortly after he acquired it from the Co-op

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