Buildings in Yardley Hastings
No 63 The Old Forge

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Photo Des Henman the Old Forge 63 High St

Colin Underwood The Postman

date 1950s? note TV aerials, no-longer any Poplar trees

The Old forge is on the left

dismantled and removed bu the Holloway Bros at Cogenhoe awaitng reassembly in their proposed museum

dismantled and removed by the Holloway Bros at Cogenhoe awaitng reassembly in their proposed museum

watching removal of wood boring machine

dismantled and removed by the Hollowell Bros of Cogenhoe awiting reconstruction in their proposed museum

Dismantled and awaiting reconstruction by Hollowell Bros of Cogenhoe for their proposed Museum

this was used for putting iron tyres on cart wheels

This was used when the blacksmith put the hot Iron tyre on a cart wheel

stable at the Old Forge in need of repair

all the unsafe structure removed and salvaged materials saved

The manger and hay rack in the Old Forge stable

Geoff is a builder local to Yardley Hastings

The stable at the od forge rebuilt

used for fixing iron tyres /rims to cart wheels by the blacksmith/wheelright

This is the Old forge in the High Street

Daphne Henman (nee Childs) was his daughter

Harry Childs was the blacksmith

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