late nineteenth century to present day

For more information on the history of the schools from the different parishes click on the links:

High Street Schools The High Street Schools, Fenny Stratford were built in 1861, however, previous schools existed in Fenny Stratford
Bletchley Road Schools

By the 1870 Education Act, the National Schools in High Street (situated opposite the Chequers Inn) had reached saturation point and it was decided to build new schools in Bletchley Road (now Queensway). The first school was built and opened in 1890

Church Green Road CoE School Bletchley School (later to be known as Old Bletchley School) was united with the National Society on January 10th 1838. Prior to which time a Miss Sear taught children at Rectory Cottages. Land, known as Long Croft, was bought for five shillings in 1840.
Water Eaton Schools At one time, a lace school was held in a cottage at Water Eaton. In later years a small school was held for infants whilst older children attended Bletchley school. In 1873 a National school was built at the sole cost of Sir Philip D. P. Duncombe who also contributed £25-30 a year to its maintenance.
Dunmore House In 1883, Dunmore House School, the first of two private colleges was built by Mr & Mrs Alfred Holloway.
Elmers School

In June 1920, on directions from Mrs Richard Selby-Lowndes, Elmers was put up for sale. Following the success of Dunmore College in Bletchley Road, Professor and Mrs Holloway required larger premises and they acquired the property. In 1922, Elmers opened as Bletchley Grammar School.

Bletchley Grammar School Bletchley Grammar School was opened in 1956 and was built in what were part of the grounds of Bletchley Park.
Holne Chase School In 1951 Holne Chase was opened in the Mansion alongside the County Library in several years new buildings were built and the school was to amalgamate with Church Green Road School
Leon Secondary School Leon Secondary School started at Bletchley Road and in the late 1960s/early 70s moved to Fern Grove. Also included are extracts from Leon Secondary School Cygnet Magazines 1963,1965 and 1967.
Knowles Schools When Leon moved to Fern Grove the Knowles Schools were started. On the site of the Bletchley Schools now there are Knowles Nursery, Knowles Infants and Knowles Junior Schools.